To set a proxy for Ubuntu using the command line, you can use the following steps:
1. Open a terminal window.
2. Run the command to open .bashrc file.
nano ~/.bashrc
3. In the file that opens, add the following lines at the end of the file, writing or replacing PROXY_URL and PROXY_PORT with the appropriate values for your proxy server:
export http_proxy="http://PROXY_URL:PROXY_PORT"
export https_proxy="https://PROXY_URL:PROXY_PORT"
4. Press "CTRL + O" to save the changes and "CTRL + X" to exit the editor.
5. Run the command to apply the changes.
source ~/.bashrc
6. This sets the proxy for the current user only. If you want to set the proxy for the entire system, you can add the same lines to the /etc/environment file instead of ~/.bashrc
Note that this is a general method for setting a proxy for Ubuntu, and the exact steps may vary depending on the version of Ubuntu or the proxy server software you are using.